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Our Founder - Blessed Michael J. McGivney

Blessed Michael Joseph McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, was born to Irish-American immigrant parents and was the eldest of 13 children, facing the loss of six siblings in infancy or childhood. Despite leaving school at 13 to support his family, he later entered the seminary after working in a spoon factory. Witnessing the struggles of Catholic immigrants, he established the Knights of Columbus in 1882 to strengthen their faith, aid those in need, and protect their families future.

McGivney's cause for canonization began in 1996, and in 2008, Pope Benedict XVI declared him "Venerable" for his heroic virtue. In May 2020, a miracle attributed to his intercession was approved by Pope Francis, leading to his beatification Mass on October 31, 2020, in Hartford, Connecticut. During the liturgical celebration, Father McGivney was declared "Blessed" in an apostolic letter from the Holy Father.

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Blessed McGivney and the Knights

A Parish Priest ahead of his time who defended those on the margins.

A Man of the People

The needs of immigrants and families suffering from the untimely death of the breadwinner led Father Michael J. McGivney to respond by founding the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal benefit society that has grown into a worldwide financial and charitable organization.

An American Blessed

This new powerful documentary highlights Father McGivney’s inspiring example of fraternal charity, evangelization, and empowerment of the laity, from his humble beginnings as the son of Irish immigrants to his founding of the Knights of Columbus.

To learn more about the history of the Knights of Columbus and the life of Blessed McGivney,

click here.


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